Terms and Conditions

By taking out a membership, paying for a session or in any way using Westbank facilities you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions

1. No person may use the Gym or take part in exercise classes without first registering through the portal and making payment in full. This can be as a contracted member or on a PAYG basis

2. Payment can only be processed through the portal

3. Members will be entitled to take part in activities covered in their membership. Activities not covered by membership must be paid for in full before taking part

4. All customers must check into their chosen activity via a scan station, or via their group exercise instructor

5. All classes, gym sessions, equipment and facilities are offered subject to availability at the advertised times. Westbank reserves the right to withdraw services at ant time and without notice, in connection with maintenance, repair, staff absence or where there is an identified health and safety issue

6. All persons are required to abide by reasonable direction given to them by Westbank staff

7. All equipment and facilities must be used in a proper manner and safe regard should always be given to the individuals health and safety and to that of others. Any persons unsure of correct usage of equipment or facilities should seek help from an appropriate member of staff

8. Personal items, such as bags and extra clothing must not be brought into the gym or classes and should be left in the lockers provided

9. Participation in all fitness activities will be at the discretion of the fitness team

10. Any person suspected of being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will not be permitted to use any of the facilities

11. Equipment must be sanitised after use and returned to its place of storage. This includes returning weights to the weight rack, steps to storage etc.

12. All members must wear clothing and footwear suitable for exercise. Shoes must be closed with no heel and should not be slip on. Stringers will not be allowed. Members may remove shoes to deadlift or squat in the designated areas only but do so at their own risk and must not be bear footed

13. No glass or open water containers may be brought into the gym, exercise classes or changing rooms
14. Westbank offers all sessions where there is a participant limit, on a first come first served basis. A waiting list for full sessions will be kept on the portal and all members on that list will be given the opportunity to book places as they become available, also on a first come first served basis

15. The Data Protection Act 2018 (the Act) sets out certain requirements for the protection of the unauthorised use or disclosure of personal data about individuals. The Act also grants certain rights to individuals, except to the extent that Westbank is required or permitted by law, all personal data which Westbank has obtained or has provided in the future, will be processed for all purposes reasonably connected with your membership of the Westbank Gym and your participation in exercise classes. See the Gym Privacy notice for details of how we use your information and your rights

16. Westbank reserves the right to terminate contracts without refund, if your behaviour, conduct, dress or use of equipment and services is reasonably considered by Westbank to be in breach of this agreement

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